
Tagg ... My Heart ...CH Golly G Cayberry's Way Ta Go-Go BN, RN,MX,AXJ,NF****************Home of Cayberry Golden Retrievers and Newtown-Strong Therapy DogsAnd honored to be an AKC Breeder Of Merit

***********************Welcome Joey!! Cayberry's Beewitched, Bothered and Beewildered (Bee Litter). Am GCH, CAN CH, HR Lycinan's Nor'east Alpine Adventure MH DDHF WCX CCA x Cayberry's Ain't She Tweet (Blaze x Bree)
Goldens, as described by the AKC:Personality: Intelligent, Friendly, and DevotedEnergy Level: Very Active; This dog is active and energetic, and needs daily exercise. Good with Children: Yes Good with other Dogs: Yes Shedding: Seasonal Grooming: OccasionalTraining: Eager To Please Weight: Males: 65-75 lbs. Females: 55-65 lbs. Life Expectancy: 10-12 years Barking Level: Barks When Necessary*******************BIG NEWS!!!Tiamo makes the final cut out of a class of 41 bitches, at our 2017 Golden Retriever Club of America's National Specialty in Maryland. SO PROUD!!!! 
********************** SO VERY PROUD OF CAYBERRY'S VERY FIRST HOME-BRED CHAMPION "KAIA" ... MACH Cayberry's Chick'et To AdventureOwned, loved and trained by Dana Nelson.
Mirasol Cayberry UnScentsored "Libby" Certified Newtown-Strong Therapy Dog

My pride and joy .... This is sweet, incredible Libby, who received one of the highest honors in our Golden Retriever world ... she was awarded the Golden Retriever Club of America's 2014 Gold Standard Award for her work in service in Sandy Hook and Newtown, CT. You can read Libby's letter on our News page. We are overwhelmed with pride in Libby!
**NEWSFLASH** Mirasol Cayberry UnScentsored, BN, CD, RA, and Cayberry's Chick Of The Litter, RN Both Libby and Moxie earned new AKC titles on the same day ... Libby now adds a Rally Advanced title to her name, and Moxie sports her first AKC title, Rally Novice. So proud of Momma Libby and her daughter, Moxie.

****************************** ***We provide Therapy Dog Training in the Newtown/Sandy Hook, CT area. Please contact us for more information*** Caseyberry@aol.com*************************************
